Dear Parents and Carers
I have started to really enjoy the 8pm applause for the NHS and social carers each Thursday. It has become a routine in my street, and is quite moving as the whole street tends to come out to do this and it offers an opportunity for a shouted conversation with neighbours. This is a welcome relief to the ‘new normal’ of working from home and the joys of doing school work with my lad.
My family and I have more cause to be grateful to the NHS than we might have had – both my partner, Debbie, and I have had what doctors suspect is this virus but in Debbie’s case it put her in hospital for a few days. Thankfully she returned and is well now and we are always out there at 8pm showing our thanks to our local hospital, Good Hope in Sutton Coldfield, which treated Debbie and got her home.
It’s great to see some of the creative ways our students have found of saying their own ‘thank you’s to the NHS. Two examples are featured in this newsletter and, as a school, we’re all incredibly proud of them. If your child is doing something you’d like to share with the school community, whether it’s helping others, being creative, raising money, or any act of kindness, do please let us know about it by emailing [email protected].
And if you’d like to send a particular message of support and thanks to the NHS staff on the frontline here in Leamington and Warwick, we have contacts in Warwick Hospital and the wider NHS services and can pass them on to the people who deserve to hear them. This might be a specific thank you if you have relied on local health services for any reason including this virus, or it could be a message of support. We will also put these messages on our website. Please send your messages, photos, thanks and pictures to the same address [email protected] and we will put them all together. If you’re sending photos, please include a line giving us permission to publish them.
I am not sure I have the words to express my thanks to the paramedics, doctors and nurses who all made sure Debbie returned home and is now well, or the friends and neighbours who supported my family when we really needed it. But I’m sure that, as a community, Myton can send out a huge collective thank you to everyone we rely on – I don’t know what we’d do without them.
Best wishes and please keep safe.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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