Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you and your families are keeping safe and well at this time. Thank you for your support and kind words over recent weeks, it has made a difference to all of us here at Myton.
Judging by the take-up of the work on Show My Homework, there is a lot of support being given at home to complete the work that is being set. Most of us here are parents as well, and know from our own experience that getting our kids to work at home isn’t always easy. We will keep trying to make sure there is variety in the work we set and also opportunities through quizzes, etc for some assessment to take place. We won’t be setting much in the way of additional work over Easter but once the two weeks are over, we will look to move Years 11 and 13 onto a more transition-based menu of work to prepare for their next steps.
We are reading through the guidance on setting grades for Years 11 and 13 and will communicate directly to parents of students in these years after Easter. We are also looking at how we adjust the curriculum to deliver to other year groups when we’re back to make sure we fill all learning gaps. We will make sure all our students’ learning is taken care of, so please just focus on staying safe and well at home and completing the work set online at this time.
Currently there is no indication of when the school closures will be lifted and I don’t expect much information on this until the government can be sure the virus is well under control. We will keep adjusting our plans, however long this takes and, as ever, will take direction from the government on what they need from us as a public service. In the meantime, please keep up to date with guidance on symptoms and actions to take along with maintaining the lockdown to reduce the spread of the virus (a reminder that the latest government guidance is on
Mr Perry – Head Teacher
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