Dear Parents and Carers
I did not become a Head Teacher to close my school to a vast majority of the community I serve; it is against every instinct. So it is with a heavy heart that we will enter a period of close down this afternoon with no clear idea as to when my colleagues or I will see you and your children again. The sheer magnitude of what we are facing has really hit home over the last couple of days, especially the abrupt end to Years 11 and 13. It is not uncommon to see our Year 11 and 13 students in tears, often with their teachers, around the school. Your children are in school through a time we have never experienced and, although I have said it before, I’ll say again how responsible and resilient they have been around the school. Please thank them for me. You also need to know just how strong the staff here have been. We all understand what being a public servant means and stand ready to do whatever our government ask of us, initially taking care of the children of key workers, but anything else which we must do. I have been repeatedly humbled by their responses to my increasingly demanding requests of them to see us all through this crisis.
We have been told to trust the science and follow the direction of government. I am fortunate to have a Chair of Governors who is a very experienced NHS practitioner and who particularly understands intensive care. She also tells me to trust the science and act on instructions which is exactly what we have been doing here at Myton. I do trust the science and our health services to see us through this national crisis, we all need to. I also understand it when the Prime Minister refers to these actions as lines of defence. My many years as a teacher of history tell me that lines of defence in battle work and repel the enemy, but if the line is broken, the enemy wins. With this in mind, I will make my final points to all in our community:
- Strictly enforce social distancing measures – this means leave the house only when absolutely necessary and, when doing so, maintain a distance of two metres from other people.
- At the first sign of a high temperature (37.8 degrees) and/or a new cough, go into household isolation immediately. Don’t panic, an overwhelming majority of cases are mild and can be managed at home. Go online to NHS 111 for more information.
- Always be aware that our actions lead to consequences that we may not see. Thankfully young people have the mildest form of the virus, sometimes possibly not knowing they have it. This is why all of us must maintain social distancing to avoid spreading the disease to those who may suffer far more severe symptoms.
- Keep up with all the advice on
We all have a role to play in this crisis and, if we all take the responsible course of action, our lines of defence will hold and I will be opening my gates to all students again very soon.
Very best wishes and please stay safe.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
PS – To the supervisor in a local supermarket who accused me of stockpiling beer and wine, that’s what I get every Wednesday. Bloody cheek!
Letter to parents about school closure – 19 March 2020
Updated letter about key workers – 20 March 2020
Letter to parents about student work during school shutdown
Letter from Mr Perry to Year 11 and Year 13 parents – 19 March 2020
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