Dear Parents and Carers
The advice coming from Government regarding Covid-19 is updated on a daily basis. Please follow the link below to make sure you are fully up to date on their guidance, particularly the section on what symptoms to be aware of and what to do if you suspect you or a family member may have this coronavirus. Advice from Government regarding Covid-19
There is a public helpline 0800 0468687 and an email [email protected]. These are open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
And there’s also advice from Public Health England.
The advice remains to call NHS 111 which will put you through to a clinician to go through the symptoms and give advice. If your child is referred for testing or has had contact with somebody who has tested positive for Covid-19, please inform the school immediately on the following email address: [email protected].
Whilst the current guidance through this ‘containment’ phase is to carry on as normal, it seems inevitable that the Government will move the country to the ‘delay’ phase, maybe as soon as today, and issue further advice. If, or when this happens, I will write to parents to update our own guidance in line with Government advice.
In the meantime, please be assured that we have plans in place for different scenarios should they happen, up to and including a forced school closure. School will be closed over the Easter period to all staff and students and therefore Sprint Finish for Years 11 and 13 will be cancelled. Please be assured that your child will be provided with all the revision materials necessary to allow them to study at home during this time. As of now, all exams are going ahead as planned; if this changes we will let you know. In the meantime please take the following actions:
- Check your child’s Show My Homework login. It is through this online tool we will be able to set work for students in the event of a school closure.
- Check any school communication each morning, including the website. It may be that with a change in advice to stay home with mild symptoms, I am left with too few staff to offer a full service. If this is the case, we will prioritise Years 11 and 13 (exams coming up) and Years 7 and 8 (allowing for parents to continue going to work).
- Continue to remind your child to follow the basic rules of good hygiene.
For the time being, the advice is to continue as normal; I will let you know as soon as this changes.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Perry
Head Teacher
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