Dear Parents & Carers
We’re really excited about the hustings event we’re hosting at Myton next week. Candidates from Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Green and Brexit parties will all be appearing on the panel and the audience will be made up of young people from here at Myton and Coten End Primary School.
We’ve had some very challenging and well-informed questions submitted by students from all year groups, covering a wide range of issues regarding local, national and global politics. Earlier today I met with our Head of Politics (Mr Sykes, who is going to be chairing the event) and we selected 12 questions to be put to the panel. It promises to be a great event; one that I hope will inspire the future generation of voters.
We will be live streaming the event on our Facebook page. If you have a Facebook account, just go to our page: Myton School – Official at 6pm and you will see a live video as the top post. Simply click on it and you will be connected to the broadcast. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can still view the broadcast. Simply put ‘Myton School Facebook’ into your search engine, go to the page and you will be able to watch the live stream.
We hope to reach as many people as possible; please feel free to share the event with friends and family. If you miss the live broadcast, it will still be available afterwards as a video on our Facebook page.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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