Dear Parents and Carers
Last night we held a Halloween disco for our Year 7 students to celebrate their first half term at Myton. A big thank you to our PTA – the Friends of Myton School – for organising the event and to all the sixth formers who turned up en masse to help supervise (and impress us with their moves on the dance floor). It was a really successful evening, the students had a great time and behaved brilliantly.
The disco is just one event in the PTA’s calendar and they have big plans for the year to come. At last week’s AGM a new committee was elected and I would like to thank Jon Chambers who stood down as Chair after giving two years of his time and expertise to the school. Congratulations to the new Chair, Mark Simmons who is a Teaching Assistant in our LINC and a Myton parent.
Their plans for the year to come include supporting some of the challenges included in the ‘Fifty things to do before you leave Myton’ and one initiative that we’d like to give you advance notice of is the 2020 Spring Fair. FOMS are keen to hear from any staff, parents, carers, family and friends who would like to get involved or have a stall to sell their wares. Stalls will also be available to students who are undertaking an entrepreneur challenge for their ‘Fifty things’. For more information please contact Mark on [email protected]
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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