Dear Parents & Carers
This has been a great week for compliments. Our school open evening on Wednesday was very busy and successful with over 450 families visiting us. The visitors were all really positive about the school and our staff but particularly about the students who worked with us that evening to show off their school. I would like to thank all the students who helped, the staff for their hard work and our visitors for their kind words.
I would also like to thank all the volunteers from local businesses who joined us on Thursday when we had our Year 11 mock interviews. We’re really grateful to them for giving up their time to put our students through their paces. The feedback about our students was tremendous which I am delighted about. I have great faith in our students and their learning and I know they involve themselves in interesting activities in and out of school. However, I do not always have faith that they are able to articulate these things in an interview or boast about themselves as they need to in these situations. Therefore, to have such positive feedback from employers is very encouraging and bodes well for their future.
Finally, thank you to all the parents who have contacted us in response to our request for help with the project to reduce the carbon impact of our school. We are responding to everyone and setting up some initial discussions with a contact at Warwick University so we can get started.
There are a lot of members of the Myton community who want to give up time to support our students in this project and their wider learning which is something we should treasure and be grateful for.
With best wishes
Mr Perry – Head Teacher