Dear Parents & Carers
A warm welcome back to school to all our students. The last time all year groups were in school was back in May and I am enjoying the buzz and energy around the place now that we have everybody in at once. We have just over 1,650 students this year. I would like to extend a special welcome to all students, parents and carers new to the school this year. I am confident you will be very happy and successful at Myton.
We are starting the new school year with a brand new rewards system for all students in Years 7-11. It is based on a student passport which replaces the pocket diary and requires the students to collect signatures, stamps and stickers from their subjects and for their conduct out of class. The challenge is to fill horizontal or vertical lines and should they do so, students will be entered into lucky dip draws every fortnight for prizes. Should a child have a truly outstanding fortnight and fill every cell on the card, they will receive a Head Teacher’s certificate and be entered into a draw at the end of the half term for some high value prizes. We are keen to invest in this side of the school and create a sense of enjoyment from the rewards system. Please support us at home by checking your child’s passport and discussing their performance.
We have opened two freshly refurbished science labs this year thanks to a grant from the Wolfson Foundation and donations from parents. They are fresh, bright and more suited to modern learning and will be a great asset to our new Head of Science, Mrs Walker.
There has been a lot of other cosmetic work done across the site over the summer period. However, a couple of our major projects, such as the new bike shed had to be postponed due to travellers getting on the school site over the summer. The process of evicting the travellers, hiring professional cleaners to sort out the appalling mess left behind, hiring security to stop further incursions (they tried to get back on site almost every day), fixing damage done all over the site and installing the new height restricting barrier to prevent further incidents, put our work schedule back significantly and has cost the school nearly £20,000 which we could ill afford. Subsequently a couple of projects have been delayed and we are in the process of raising funds to get them back on track (please check Parentpay if you wish to help).
However, despite the setback, the site is ready for the students, they have come back positively and ready to learn and it is a pleasure to see them all.
Best wishes for the new school year
Mr Perry – Head Teacher
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