Dear Parents & Carers
A warm welcome to all our new Year 12s who are taking part in their Sixth Form Taster Day today. I hope you have an enjoyable day and get a taste of life in Key Stage 5 here at Myton.
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of meeting our new Year 7 intake and their parents for Induction Day. It was lovely to meet all our new students throughout the day and to join them in some of the activities laid on for them. The children were excited to be here and any nerves in the morning soon left them as they met new friends, current students and their new tutors. There were lots of very happy children by the time they left us in the afternoon.
Thank you to all the parents who joined us after school to meet your child’s new form tutor, their Head of House, other parents in your child’s group and the senior staff here. I discussed with parents their children’s timeline from starting secondary school: the beginning of Year 7 in September 2019, GCSE exams in 2024, A levels (if they choose this route) in 2026, possibly university finals in 2029 or 2030 and a fulfilling life before retiring around 2075. Anyone else feel ancient?
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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