Dear Parents & Carers
We are now approaching the last few exams of the season and I would like to congratulate the students in Years 11 and 13 for the way they have tackled them this year. It is a very busy period for the students and they come under increasing pressure, but they have dealt with it well. Well done to all of you and keep going for these last few days.
I had the pleasure of welcoming back to school an ex-student this week. Neil Adams attended Myton in the 70s and then went on to worldwide success in Judo, achieving two Olympic silver medals, World Championship gold and multiple European gold medals and he recently achieved ninth dan ranking. He continues to work in Judo as a trainer and coach, as well as travelling the world as a commentator. Those of a certain generation might remember him as a competitor on Superstars. Neil joined us on Monday with his wife Niki, herself two times Pan American Judo champion, seven times Canadian champion and 1996 Olympian, to tour the school and discuss some upcoming events. It was a delight to show them around the school and I look forward to both Neil and Niki joining us again soon.
Here is Neil sitting in his old seat in his form room.
Sarah from Zoolabs was in school yesterday with her range of exotic pets. I was impressed with the willingness of the students to have their turn holding Severas the corn snake, Spike the bearded dragon, Colin the giant hissing cockroach and Gavin the millipede. Even Talulah the tarantula was welcomed, although the students are not allowed to hold her. When it came to embracing the creatures, the children were great; the staff less so!
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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