Dear Parents & Carers
This week we were lucky enough to host Myton’s first ever Poetry Slam. Mrs Johnson in our English Department was one of the organisers and here’s her account of the event:
“On Monday 3 June, we welcomed performance poet Jas Gardosi into school for a workshop with some Year 7 and 8 students who had volunteered to be part of a Poetry Slam (where poets compete in performing their own work to an audience).
Jas spoke to the students about writing and performing poetry, and gave a passionate performance of one of her own poems, ‘All fights occur underground’, which grabbed the students with her clever word play and the final message of the poem.
The students worked individually or in small groups to create a poem which would work effectively in performance: they worked creatively, playing with vocabulary and poetic techniques; listened to each other’s feedback; responded to Jas’ advice and performed their poems admirably at the end of the morning session.
We were all impressed with the students’ creativity, enthusiasm and perceptive contributions to the discussions. Thank you to all the students for their effort, respect and sensitivity shown throughout the session and especially during the performances of some very moving poems. Jas was very impressed with your varied and creative responses and maturity.
Some of the groups and individual performers will go to the Warwickshire semi-final and then (hopefully!) the final in Rugby later this month.”
My thanks to Mrs Meredith, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Thompson and Mrs Drage for organising such a great event. I hope the students all enjoyed it and hope to see them progress through the next stages of the competition.
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher