Dear Parents & Carers
Today we bid a fond farewell to Year 13 who are going on study leave, and we wish them well in their exams. The future looks bright for these young people and I hope their time at Myton has prepared them well for whatever they go on to do.
Sixth Form at Myton is all about helping young people to realise their potential and to be happy and successful. Obviously, for some this means academic success, and this year we’re delighted to see 71 students with offers of university places, including 28 unconditional offers and several students gaining places on degree apprenticeships. Notably, Leila O’Hara and Bronwyn Hansen have offers from Cambridge University to study Maths and English Literature respectively, and Enzo Medeiros has a place at Slade Art School.
We also hope this year’s leavers will remember their time with us as an exciting and enjoyable experience. Many students take up opportunities for extra curricular and community activities including fundraising and volunteering. Last year, George Gutteridge, Haley Cotton, Riya Sharma, Eleanor Bessant, Roxanne Sebastian, Emily Larke and Nathan Lines raised £3,536 for Young People First with their charity Sky Dive. Adam Thompson was Lord Lieutenant Cadet for Warwickshire for two consecutive years. And as you can see in this week’s newsletter, Jack Hart earned his Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.
We are keen to encourage sixth formers to develop their leadership skills and many students act as tutor group representatives in our Sixth Form Senate or are involved in various committees and initiatives around school. This week I was able to personally thank the Senate Leadership Team: Leila O’Hara, Toby Waters, Beant Dhillon, Katie Jones, Maira Seimon Kleba, Emily Larke, Finn O’Brien and Marleigh Watkins for the work they have done over the past year. They have done a fantastic job and I am very grateful to them for all the speeches they have written and delivered and for all the occasions when they have represented the school.
So, goodbye Year 13. Best of luck to you all in your A levels and beyond!
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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