Dear Parents & Carers
It was a pleasure to welcome Year 5 pupils from Coten End Primary School to Myton on Tuesday to continue their resilience sessions. We have been working with our friends at Coten End to establish a 6-session programme to help Year 5 children develop this most vital of skills.
We have covered ‘Philosophy for Children’, which helps children learn to listen to each other; the ‘Learning Pit’, which teaches them to never give up; and ‘Learning to Learn’, which helps the class understand the process of learning so they can control it more effectively. This Tuesday was ‘A volcano in my tummy’, which was delivered by our school counsellor and helps children to work with their emotional responses. I was interested to see how many children thought anxiety was simply a negative feeling, rather than an entirely appropriate physical response to any number of situations. Julie Wray, our counsellor helped them to understand this and embrace these feelings. Next week the children will be here again, this time cooking and developing their resilience in problem solving. The final session is all about online safety.
I would like to thank Miss Cooper’s Year 5 class at Coten End for their enthusiasm in taking part and the staff who are supporting them so well. This has been the first run through of this programme so we can review and make necessary adjustments to it before meeting other Year 5 classes at Coten End and in our other partner primary schools.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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