Dear Parents and Carers
In a week when youth crime is once again the focus of national debate, we have been fortunate enough to host an event delivered by the crime prevention charity, Prison? Me? No Way!
We run this event each year for our Year 9 students and the aim is to raise awareness of the causes, consequences and impact of crime. Students attend a range of talks and workshops throughout the day designed to make them think about the choices they make that might affect themselves, their futures and society as a whole.
The charity brings together volunteers from the Prison Service as well as Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service, the West Midlands Ambulance Service, and Warwickshire Police. Students had the chance to hear an ex-offender talk about choices and consequences, see a fully furnished replica prison cell and consider the impact of anti-social behaviour. They also saw Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service in action at a mock road traffic accident.
Many thanks to all the organisations who delivered such a valuable day and to King Henry VIII Endowed Trust in Warwick for generously funding this event.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher