Dear Parents and Carers
Yesterday it was my dubious pleasure to take part in the sixth form’s I’m a Celebrity eating challenge, part of their money-raising activities this week. I accepted their invitation some time ago, assuming I would spend Thursday lunchtime chewing my way through various bits of a kangaroo or similar.
I was joined by some sixth formers, Mr Larner and Mr Stone and we walked into a baying mob of Year 12s and 13s, all seemingly keen to watch their friends and teachers in great discomfort, made worse by the blindfolds we were all quickly made to wear. As it happened, it was more of a supermarket-based eating challenge rather than insects and bits of kangaroo (not sure why, but I am strangely disappointed by this).
The first course, a pickled egg smothered in something that shouldn’t go with a pickled egg was okay. The second, lime pickle mixed with butter milk, had Mr Larner very nearly using the bucket under the table and the sixth formers closest to us scrambling for cover. The third was awful, soft buttery cheese with lots of marmite and mustard all mixed up – hard to get down and even harder to keep down judging by the noises from the lad next to me. We went through fishy stuff, spicy stuff and fruit peel, and I’m proud to say, we completed all six challenges. It was nice to feel part of our academic and high achieving sixth form!
Thanks to all those who planned this spectacle or took part. Money was raised, so it was good news for the sixth formers and even better news for the kangaroo.
Best wishes and have a good half term.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher