Dear Parents and Carers
We have had a great day in school today, raising money for a good cause and getting into the festive spirit. Even I managed to don my Christmas jumper and ‘bah humbug’ hat for the occasion. Our sixth form charity committee have done an excellent job of organising things; collecting on the gate and selling cakes at break time. So far, we’ve raised about £1,000 for Save the Children.
Getting involved in fundraising and other community events is an important part of school life. Many Myton students are active members of the community. This week alone we have invited friends and family into school to enjoy our whole school production of Wendy and Peter Pan, visited a local care home to sing carols with the residents, been part of the official opening of the Sea Scouts’ new jetty and boatyard, and welcomed two local primary schools into school. All these events help to give us a sense of belonging and knit us together with our friends and neighbours. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank parents, students and staff for everything you do to help build and maintain the Myton community.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher