Dear Parents & Carers
December is a busy month at Myton. It was lovely to see the Year 7 parents at Tuesday’s parents’ evening and the feedback was outstanding. Thank you for taking the time to let us know how you feel about your child’s first term at Myton. We are delighted with our Year 7s and impressed with how quickly they have settled into their secondary education.
Next up is Year 11 parents’ evening on Monday 17 December. Please make sure you have booked your appointments so we can discuss how your child is doing and talk about any gaps in knowledge or skills that emerged in their recent mock exams. (Go to the online booking system or contact [email protected] if you experience any problems or can’t access the online system.)
This week has also been Progression Week for Year 11. We use this time to work with students and help them to understand post 16 education, to think about the options open to them and support their applications. Thank you to our current Year 12 students who have all spent their form time this week with the Year 11 students, talking to them about life in the Sixth Form, giving them survival tips for Year 11 and helping them with their subject choices. The week has culminated in a ‘Dress to Impress’ day where all Year 11 students have been in sixth form dress code. If your child would like to apply to Myton Sixth Form and hasn’t yet done so, please remind them that the deadline is midnight tonight.
Many thanks for your support.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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