Dear Parents and Carers
Next Thursday evening between 5.30pm and 8pm we will be welcoming Year 11 families from Myton and the surrounding area into school to showcase our Sixth Form. Our post-16 provision is a real strength of the school. The most recent Ofsted inspection found it ‘Outstanding’, commenting on the fact that, “Students make excellent progress”, they “achieve well across the full range of subjects” and “are excellent role models for younger pupils”.
This year we are launching a number of exciting new courses to further broaden our academic offering. Alongside our well-established and highly successful A level subjects, students will be able to select courses in Criminology, Forensic and Applied Science, Computer Games Production and Film & Media Studies. Some of these new courses have entry requirements starting at GCSE level 4, making them accessible to a wider range of students. The full list of courses on offer are detailed in the Sixth Form prospectus (which will be available on the night) and also on our website.
At next week’s event students and staff will be on hand to talk about the courses, answer any questions you might have and help students to choose a selection of post-16 courses that match their interests, their aptitudes and their career aspirations. Myself, Julie Stevens (Head of Sixth Form) and a number of students will be doing a presentation in the Upper School Hall at 6pm and again at 7pm.
Even if your child is not considering enrolling at Myton Sixth Form, they might still benefit from coming along to the Open Evening in order to take advantage of the careers advice that will be available. Our careers advisor Garry Coffey will be present, as will representatives from Warwickshire College and Stratford College.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the very many Sixth Formers who have offered to give up their time to support us as subject ambassadors, guides, parking attendants, speakers, etc.
I hope to see you on Thursday evening.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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